"[Jesus said] 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your hear, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" ~ Matthew 22.37-39
Join us this summer in some Family Bible Adventures! During this time of COVID-19 we wanted to provide families with some fun, interactive ways to engage in faith together. Grace is partnering with Shepherd of the Cross Lutheran Church to provide this opportunity.
Every two weeks we will have new Adventure for you to work through with your family. Each Adventure begins with with a link to a Bible Story. If you are not able to find the link electronically the, story will also be printed for you. Then you will be invited to talk about a couple of questions as you learn about the story. The Adventure continues as you engage in an activity related to the story where you will be invited to live in faith together. Finally, you will have the opportunity to pray together as a family.
Our overall theme for these Family Bible Adventures is "Love your neighbor as yourself." Each Adventure will explore a different aspect of what it means for us to love our neighbors as ourselves today. We plan to follow this schedule:
July 1 - The Good Samaritan
July 15 - The Story of Esther
July 29 - The Fruit of the Spirit
August 12 - The Feeding of the 5000
The Adventures will be posted on this page on these dates and will remain available. The hope is that you will take these Adventures and do them at your own pace with your family. You are welcome to share these Adventures with others whom you think would enjoy them! We hope you enjoy these Family Bible Adventures and pray for you on your journey!
Join us this summer in some Family Bible Adventures! During this time of COVID-19 we wanted to provide families with some fun, interactive ways to engage in faith together. Grace is partnering with Shepherd of the Cross Lutheran Church to provide this opportunity.
Every two weeks we will have new Adventure for you to work through with your family. Each Adventure begins with with a link to a Bible Story. If you are not able to find the link electronically the, story will also be printed for you. Then you will be invited to talk about a couple of questions as you learn about the story. The Adventure continues as you engage in an activity related to the story where you will be invited to live in faith together. Finally, you will have the opportunity to pray together as a family.
Our overall theme for these Family Bible Adventures is "Love your neighbor as yourself." Each Adventure will explore a different aspect of what it means for us to love our neighbors as ourselves today. We plan to follow this schedule:
July 1 - The Good Samaritan
July 15 - The Story of Esther
July 29 - The Fruit of the Spirit
August 12 - The Feeding of the 5000
The Adventures will be posted on this page on these dates and will remain available. The hope is that you will take these Adventures and do them at your own pace with your family. You are welcome to share these Adventures with others whom you think would enjoy them! We hope you enjoy these Family Bible Adventures and pray for you on your journey!

Family Bible Adventures #1 - The Good Samaritan |

Family Bible Adventures #2 - The Story of Esther |

Family Bible Adventures #3 - The Fruit of the Spirit |