Sunday SchoolYouth Sunday school kicks off each September and is taught through May, following our regular school year. Classes are available for all ages, beginning at age three. Sunday school is taught between worship services, 9:30am-10:30am. The elementary students begin the hour with Tibe VanderLinden for music time. Then, they break into small groups, taught by team teachers.
Elementary classes utilize the lectionary curriculum from Sparkhouse. It mirrors the scripture and lessons used in each Sunday’s worship services. Preschool and kindergarten are taught by Vicki Lawhead and Katie Green. First, Second and Third grade classes are taught by Tina Skipton and Carrie Zorich. Traci Lippelgoes teaches the 4th and 5th grade. Don Kelly teaches the middle school class and Brenda Erber teaches the high school group. We collect a weekly offering and it is donated to different outreach programs such as Crop Walk, H.O.P.E.S., and our local food pantry. |